Thursday, December 4, 2008

Anti Gravity

Some very interesting stuff here. He definately knows what hes talking about.

Google Video Link

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beautiful Crystal Forest

Some miners have discovered this huge crystal forest in mexico.

You really have to see these pictures :)

It reminds me of the cave described in "Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites".

Eric O'Shea

This guy is pretty funny, check him out :)

Carmack is Dominating!

John Carmack is not only making NASA look like idiots, it would appear he is way out in front of all the other teams competeing for the XPrize as well.

Im sure he didnt like losing the first XPrize and hes not going to give this one up!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Melamine, Yum!

Not sure how valid this guy's claims are but I would say its definately worth avoiding milk products for a while.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

So much Ignorance

Not that Im a fan of Obama, but these people are truly ignorant. How can people live their lives in such darkness?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ron Paul

I really wish this guy was running, he really is the only real candidtate even looking at the presidency.

To bad the partys are both corrupt and would never allow a man like this to run.

Benny Lava!

My Warhammer guild is named Benny Lava, apparently named after this video.

I was dying laughing and I am proud to have the name Benny Lava above my characters head :)

Dr. William Deagle

Holy crap! I have met some crazys, and I have met some liars. But ive never seen anyone as full of crap as this guy.

Really? Who hasnt this guy worked with? Quantum computing? ROFL!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Assault Weapons Ban Comming

Its official now that Obama/Biden plan to make the assault weapons ban permanent. This could be a very bad thing, especially since most of the weapons included in the ban are no different than any other semi-autmatic weapon.

Heres an interesting video which clearly shows the difference and the source of the confusions.

My Ion Drum Rocker

After my great hassle with inmusic, I decided to cancel the order. I then ordered from another online retailer. Just after I placed the 2nd order, I noticed that Best Buy in Sandy had it listed in stock. I called them sunday and they had 6 still :)

Here are some pictures of my current setup.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Amazing Coincidences in Crop Circles

I came across these two videos from

They show several different crop circles which all seem to be different views/angles of a larger design very much like a blue print.

I want to be clear here, I am not making any decisions as to where these crop circles came from. But the similarities between these crop circles are undeniable.

It would be absolutely amazing if this turned out to be a design for an actual working device. My opinion based on these designs (ignoring the conclusions made in the video) is that it details an energy producing device of some kind. These crop circles could be made by an organization of men that were hired/told what to make. This technology could easily be human in origin.

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to Hire & Manage a Hacker

I came across this FAQ on the web about hiring a hacker. It is written by a hacker and it gives a very accurate depection of how a hacker works and thinks.

I think I need to send this link to any managers I start working with in the future :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thiaoouba Prophecy

I came across this interesting book that describes lots of 'history' of our planet going back several million years. This is a fairly long book and took me a few days to read.

You can find the book online here:

In the end, I can pretty much label this as a complete fabrication. There is very little detail put into any of the technology or physics concepts which could validate this story. There is however an abundance of personal bias clearly addded to the story, things the author thinks are important but really arent.

There are several concepts in this book that are very interesting and I have come across them myself in my own thoughts recently. The most interesting of which is 'Can you imagine a world without money?'

I have asked several people this question, and most (like me) at first can not even comprehend a world or society without money. But if you really think about it, you will eventually arrive at a similar understanding of reality as is described in this book. Its very hard to describe what this understanding is and you readers wouldnt understand me anyway unless you actually thought through this scenario yourself.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Aliens Inc!

They are comming!!! Ya right. The Galactic Federation of Light will be here on earth on October 14th 2008. They will be hovering a very large ship (spanning several states) over Alabama for 3 days.

If by some miracle this is actually true and this event does actually happen, this ship should be visible to most of this side of the earth. I took the time to estimate what 'span several states' means. My little red circle in this drawing has a diameter of about 500km.

Free Image Hosting at

Randy found a website that shows sizes of spacecraft from Sci-Fi movies.

To put this into perspective, the GFL ship is 3 times larger than the death star, 833 times larger than the USS Enterprise.

The International Space Station is 80m and is the 2nd brightest thing in the night sky next to the moon. Something 6250 times bigger should be visible from everywhere.